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Seniors Room 15 Mrs Derbyshire & Mrs Edgecombe
  Room 14 Mr. Hawkes
Room 13 Miss Courtney Tennent
Room 12 Miss Dennis
  Room 11 Miss Ulrich
Middle Room 10 Mrs Elliot
Room 9

Miss Manderson

  Room 8 Mrs Howard
  Room 7 Mrs Laurent
Room 6 Miss Maunder & Mrs Davidson
Juniors Room 5 Mr Sheather
  Room 4 Mrs. Turner & Mrs Grindrod
  Room 3 Mrs Munn
  Room 2 Mrs Andrew
  Room 1 Mrs Morris
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Awakeri School

Information Please!

Click on the links below for everything you want to know

To contact us: phone / fax 07-3049506 or email admin@awakeri.school.nz

Absences Ag Day Awakeri Playcentre Bell times
Board of Trustees Book Club Camps Civil Defence
Code of conduct Concerns about school Custody Dental Clinic
Educational Links Enrolments Family changes Fancy Dress
Homework Junior School Library Local Clubs
Lost property Lunches Medication/ allergies Money at School
Musical Production Nits Not to Bring! P.T.A.
Parent Help Photocopying Reports to parents School Banking
School buses School Charter excerpts School Fees School Newsletter
Sports Staff Starting School Stationery
Sun Safety Swimming Pool Top School  

Starting School

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Extracts from the School Charter
Mission Statement:
The underlying philosophy of the school is the pursuit of excellence.

Te Manu
E kai ana te Miro
Nona te Ngahere.
Te Manu
E kai Ana te matauranga
Nona te ao.

The birds that eat off the Miro tree,
The bush belongs to them.

The birds that eat knowledge,
The world is their oyster.

ALL people are supported and valued
Students will have a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences within a secure environment in which achievement is encouraged.
The focus is to encourage life long learning with learners developing the skills to question and make decisions.
Awakeri School is an Enviro school and promotes enviro school philosophies.
The school will have clear expectations for learning and behaviour, teamwork and success, for children. Staff and BOT, and these expectations will be articulated by staff and Board.

Local Goals
Children will be provided with opportunities to explore their wider environment.
Using community and staff expertise children will be given a chance to experience fields of learning outside the normal range of topics.
Effective, regular communication and consultation with parents and community will occur.
Team and individual sports will be encouraged within the school.
Individual differences and cultural diversity will be recognised and respected.
There will be positive attitudes and tangible practices towards Bi-culturalism. There will be consultation with the local community and Te Reo will be an integral part of every classroom programme. Kapa Haka will be offered as part of our extension and enrichment programme.
The special needs of individual children will be accommodated within the constraints of the resources provided.

Values Education
To support our motto and philosophy we actively promote the virtues programme.
Virtues are the qualities of the soul, the foundation of character.
Virtues are the only sure basis for self esteem.
We encourage all children to develop the virtues within them.
Virtues are recognized, acknowledged and promoted in all rooms and in school assemblies.

Educational Goals and Improvement Targets for 2018.
1/. There will be a focus on those 17 children listed as below in Mathematics. This will come through the accelerated learning in Mathematics professional development as well as the further development of our Maths Assistance programme.
2/. Monitoring will ensure that the high levels of achievement in Literacy and Numeracy will continue in 2018. We will continue to monitor progress in the learning of basic facts and essential spelling. In Maths, Writing and Reading the number listed as above will rise to 25%, from the 2017 levels which were; Maths 23.0%, Reading 20.0% and Writing 18.0%.
There will be a focus on improving our results through monitoring the value added results throughout the year in Reading and Maths and evaluating progress though our review days.
3/. An intensive programme will be developed to target those children, particularly Maori, not achieving against the National Standards. Extra help will be provided through our learning assistance programme.

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Chairperson Lindsay John 3048123
Treasurer Debbie Rowe 3080469
Brett Grindrod 3072051
Kiri Carter 3049092
Abby Bateson
Lara Akers-Douglas
Dermott Sweeney

Principal Craig McDonald
Staff Representative Alison Derbyshire

B.O.T. MEETINGS are generally held the 3rd Monday in the Month and parents are welcome to attend.
The School Charter, Policies and Minutes of B.O.T. meetings are available to parents in the school office.

Here is the BOT's annual report to the MOE (opens in new tab)

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School Secretary - Jo Wanoa
Principal - Craig McDonald -
Deputy Principal - Barrie Hawkes - Rm 14 Senior school- 3222076
Deputy Principal - Louise Howard - Rm 8 Middle school - 3229464
Deputy Principal - Peter Sheather - Rm 5 Junior school - 3079512
- Sam Morris,- Rm 1 Yrs. 0/1
- Martie Andrew -Rm 2 Yr 1
- Emma Munn - Rm 3 Yr. 1
- Kelly Turner/ Natasha Grindrod- Rm 4 Yrs. 1&2
- Jamie Maunder/ Brigette Davidson - Rm 6 Yr. 2 & 3
- Nicola Laurent - Rm 7 Yr. 3
- Danni Manderson- Rm 9 Yr. 4 & 5
- Joanne Elliot - Rm 10 Yr 5
- Rosie Ulrich - Rm 11 Yr. 6
- Carrie Anne Dennis- Rm 12 Yr. 6
- Naomi Courtney Tennent- Rm 13 Yr. 7
- Alison Derbyshire- Rm 15 Yrs. 7&8

Sara Elliot - 1.0 SENCO—special needs programmes - 3222120
Julie West, Helen Harvey, Julie Wakelin, Marilyn Sisam, Sian Cass — Release for Staff.
Viv Barr - 0.2 Special Needs Teacher - 3049704
Caretaker - John Chelley, Cleaner - Sharon Glossop
Teacher Aides - Andrea Maru (Te Reo), Judy Stichbury, Pam J Lavery, Brenda Looney, Margot White (Library), Kate Robbie (ICT), Paula Mayne.
Admin support: Sandra James
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The PTA is not currently operating

School Banking
We don't offer a school banking service.

Bell Times:

8.50 School starts
10.45 Morning interval starts 11.10 Morning interval ends
12.40 Lunch starts 1.40 Lunch ends
3.05 pm School Ends. 3.10 pm Buses leave.
* If any changes are made to school hours you will be notified in a newsletter.
* School does not finish early on wet days
* Non-urgent phone calls to teachers should be made before school, during intervals or lunch and after school. Messages can be taken in the office.
* Cell phones are not to be brought to school by children.
* The school accepts supervision responsibility for children from 8am to 3.30 pm..Back to top

Code of Conduct.
In 1997, the Board of Trustees and staff, adopted a code of conduct for all adults who are involved with your child. Click here to view it.
The code lists the expectations that we have when we have contact with children.
All adults will be required to sign the code of conduct, and in doing so acknowledge these expectations, before they become involved school activities.
The Board has determined that there is to be NO ALCOHOL on school camps and activities. Back to top

Bus Routes/Routines:
There are 2 bus routes.
Every afternoon children's names are ticked off by bus monitors.
Please notify the office, or write names on the white board by the office, if your child is not travelling home by bus.
Any parents wishing to change the bus their child permanently travels on is to notify the school. Due to bus loadings, temporary changes are not permitted.
Children can only travel on the bus that they are on the bus roll for.
We would ask you to remind your children of the following rules.
1. Follow the direction of the senior children who are bus monitors
2. Do nothing that will distract the driver i.e. moving / shouting
3. If possible be seated at all times until the bus has stopped moving
4. No food or drink to be consumed on the bus
5. Wait till the bus has passed two power poles before crossing the road
Our aim is to provide a safe bus service for all families. Any minor misbehaviour is dealt with at school. Repeated or serious problems are notified to parents.

With the problems arising with children's safety, it is important to call to let us know of absences by 9.00 am. Similarly if you take your child out of school - let us know so that we are aware they have left the grounds. If anything unusual is happening please help us to help you by informing the school. The school's phone number is 07-3049506, or email admin@awakeri.school.nz
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Due to rapid growth the school has adopted an Enrolment scheme. Entry into the school is restricted.
The school tries to keep a record of pre-school children in the district and your help in keeping this up to date would be appreciated.
When your child is due to start school, please come to the office and fill in an Enrolment form, and you will then be advised about the first day of school.
Birth certificates and immunisation records must be provided for all children when they first start school. 4 year olds are invited to attend the New Entrant class, to familiarise them with the classroom routines.
This is arranged through Mr Sheather - please enquire at the office for more details.

Awakeri School Enrolment Scheme
Awakeri School has been directed by the Ministry of Education to enforce an enrolment scheme that will reduce the possibility of overcrowding at the school. Only children living inside the school zone, children who are siblings of pupils already enrolled at Awakeri school as at the 10th October 2001, and children of Board of Trustees employees have automatic right of enrolment. The Awakeri school home zone, as required under the Education Amendment Act 2000, is defined as follows:
West of the school; All of State Highway 2 (White Pine Bush Road) and side roads, down to and including Downards Road.
North of the school: All of State Highway 30 and side roads, down to but not including Fortune Road. Powdrell Road down to and including Magee Road.
East of the school; State Highway 2 (Awakeri Road) and side roads, down to and including Putiki Road. McLean Road to Reids central canal. All of McCrackens Road.
South of the School: Macdonalds Road and side Roads down to the Forestry access road.
State Highway 30 down to but not including Hydro Road.
List of roads in the zone not mentioned above: Angle Road, Butler Road, Ernest Road,
Fermah Road, Luke Road, Luxton Road, Maunders Road, Melville Road, Murphy Road,
Orini Road, Selwyn Road, Station Road, Te Rahu Road, Titoki Road and side roads, Western Drain Road.
Children living in this area have automatic right of entry into the school.
Children living outside the zone may be enrolled if they are successful in obtaining a place under a ballot system. For more information contact the school office.Note; Siblings of children accepted under the ballot system do not have automatic right of enrolment and will need to make application to do so.
Written applications for enrolment are to be made to Awakeri School;
R D 2 Whakatane. Fax 3049506, email admin@awakeri.school.nz

Map of the Awakeri School zone:
Click here to open.

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There are not currently lunches available for purchase at Awakeri School. Back to top

Please if you have a concern come and talk about it. Often the right action at the right time quickly sorts out the problem, or at least makes those responsible aware that a problem exists. If you have a concern about anything to do with school, firstly contact the class teacher. It would be appreciated if it were before or after school as it is often inconvenient for teachers to leave the classroom.
If possible, phone for an appointment.
If you are still concerned then the senior teacher in charge of that area, then the Principal, then the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees may be consulted in that order.
Mr. Hawkes is in charge of Rms. 11, 12, 13 14 & 15, Mrs Howard is in charge of Rms. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Mr. Sheather is in charge of Rms. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Back to top

This is available from the school office before school each day at prices comparable to the shops. At the beginning of the year a list of requirements with prices is sent home.
During the year junior school children will bring home a note requesting any further stationery they need.Back to top

School Donation:
A suggested amount is set each year by the Board of Trustees. For this year they are as follows - Per child $100 Per term per child $25 This equates to $2.50 a week.
However any contribution is gratefully received. This donation helps to cover such costs as photocopying of worksheets, visits by Life Ed, newsletters and some short bus trips. As well this also pays for part of a teacher's wages so as we can have lower class numbers, and provide additional help for children. Back to top

Changes to your family situation: e.g. health, sickness/accidents, telephone, address: Please ensure that your normal phone number and an emergency number are available to the school. All efforts will then be made to contact you or your emergency number if it is thought to be necessary. If for any reason any of these should change it is important to notify the school as soon as possible. Minor accidents and emergencies are attended to by staff with current St. Johns First Aid certificates.In the event of a major crisis/emergency and parents/Caregivers cannot be contacted, the school will act in loco parentis, and make a decision in the best interest and well being of the child concerned. Back to top

If you are involved in a dispute over custody we cannot act on anyone's behalf unless we have a copy of a custody order. Unless we have the order any birth/natural parent is allowed access. Back to top

Students have a right to receive prescribed medication in school hours if this enables them to access education.
Staff members have a right to choose whether or not to take responsibility for administering prescribed medication to a student.
The policy acknowledges that some students take personal control of their own medication e.g. asthma.
1. Agreement/Consent Form
This requires the parents/guardians to provide the Board with a medical statement that is acceptable for a non-medical staff member to hold the responsibility for administering the medication.
The form must be signed by the Staff Member/s, Principal, Parent/Guardian or another appointed person and if appropriate the child or student.
Alternative arrangements are to be noted in case the person usually responsible for administering the medication is absent.
The name of the medication and the directions for administering must be included in the agreement.
Where no staff members elect to accept responsibility for administering medication, the responsibility is then the parent's.
Medication may need to be administered by Parents/Guardians or by another appointed person willing to accept responsibility. The school must see the authority to do so.
2. Register
The register is to be signed by the Administrator and the student each time a medicine is administered.
Details to be recorded include:
date, time, students name, details of medication, dose given and who by, any relevant comments e.g. quantity, expiry date,
3. Information/Training
The Board is to ensure appropriate information/training has been given to staff members who elect to administer medication.
By law, the Medical Practitioner's directions must be included on the label of all dispensed medication. It is essential that the person administering the medication follow these directions.
4. Safe and Secure Storage
Storage must be safe and secure at all times, either in the medical room or if required in the staff room refrigerator.
Staff's personal medication must be secure at all times. Back to top

NO toys, lollies, skateboards, or skates are allowed at school, unless children are invited to bring them by their teacher for a special project or occasion. Back to top

To prevent a build up of lost property we request that you name all your children's clothing clearly. At the end of each term the lost property will be on display and then disposed of to a worthy charity.
Parents are welcome to check lost property which is kept in the Canteen Foyer, beside Room Eight, during school hours. Back to top

Library books:
The school library is open to the children on a regular basis and children are encouraged to take books out.
Books are very expensive to replace so please ensure they are looked after and returned by the due date.
Fines are imposed for lost or badly damaged books. If your children are leaving the school please ensure that all library books are returned. Back to top

Book Club:
Through Wheelers we operate a Book Club. Approximately 1 offer is made each term and pamphlets describing the books are sent home to parents. It is not necessary to buy any. Orders are done online. Back to top

Swimming pool:
All children are expected to take part in swimming as it is part of the school programme, and a note is required if your child will not be swimming for any reason.

Our school is part of the Rangitaiki Plains Schools Group. Sports are combined at various venues. This mainly involves rooms 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. The sports are a mixture of team, individual, competitive and non competitive activities. Any help with transport, supervision, managers etc. is more than welcome. Full details are sent out prior to the event.
Outside school hours sports groups have their own conveners and notices are placed in the newsletter when these are being organised.
Check out the Awakeri Soccer Club's web site
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Top School:
This is the school's major fund raising event of the year. It is held in March and involves 30 schools in the Eastern BOP. Each school brings to our school a team of 10 children plus cheer-leaders and supporters to compete in various activities for the honour of being Top School for the area.
Our school has an early morning garage sale and sells food, sweets, plants, raffles along with games all day. There are conveners for each area who try to contact people to help with stalls/sales on the day. Back to top

These are run by individual teachers, and information is sent out as the time approaches. In general camps are mainly for older children, while the younger ones participate in day trips. Parents are advised of costs and requirements prior to the camp. Any queries should be directed to the teacher.
Parent help is always needed and this will be called for when arrangements are being made.
NO Alcohol is to be taken on trips or camps. Back to top

Home learning (Homework):
This varies according to age, class level and classroom teacher requirements. The learning of tables, basic spelling lists and daily reading is the basis of home learning.
Home learning is normally revision of what has already been undertaken at school, to either re-enforce it or to practise skills. If any problems are encountered, the child should not be pushed too hard. Back to top

School Production:
The Year 5 to 8 children have an operetta that involves a lot of singing and acting, that builds confidence in the children. A lot of parent help is needed with transport, makeup and costumes. The production is performed in the Little Theatre in Whakatane.
There are usually daytime matinees for schools and evening performances for adults/families. As the time approaches there will be notices sent out with fuller details.
Again, teachers need to be approached if you can offer help/expertise in some area. Back to top

Reporting to Parents:
Interviews are conducted late February and again in July. Written reports are given out at midyear and the end of the year. When school interviews are held, school closes early, and buses run early to take children home. A notice is sent home allowing parents to choose an approximate time for the interview appointment. Confirmation of times are sent back to parents.
All efforts will be made to find a suitable time.
You are of course still able to discuss your child's progress at any time, and teachers need to be contacted to arrange a mutual time if you wish to discuss something in particular.
This is a two way process and teachers will also contact you if they have any concerns about your child. Back to top

Sun Sensible Requirements:
Parents are responsible for providing sun-hats and protective clothing and applying sun block on their children before they leave home.
The school has sun block available at all times. Staff will actively encourage appropriate behaviour in the sun during school hours by being appropriate role models. From October to March if the UV reading exceeds 5, hats should be worn by children outside for prolonged periods. (Swimming activities excluded.) Back to top

Fancy Dress:
This takes place in an evening in the final week of the school year. Children are invited to wear fancy dress. They take part in a programme of dance. This is also our final prize giving and our formal send off for our departing Year 8 children. Back to top

Ag Day/Group Day:
The school has an Agricultural Day mid October. All children are encouraged to participate. There are indoor displays as well as calves, lambs, goats and pets. Before the day a notice is sent home explaining what to do for the indoor exhibits and rules governing calves, lambs and goats.
The day before the show children are encouraged to bring flowers, containers and plants to school where they assemble their arrangements for the indoor exhibition.
On Ag Day cooking for the indoor displays is brought to school along with the animals and judged on the day. The children who have animals have photos taken with their pets and are presented with a certificate once these are processed.
The indoor show is organised by the staff. A meeting of all interested parents is called by the Ag Club committee. Successful competitors in the calf, lamb and goat section are eligible to enter in Group Day which involves most schools in the Rangitaiki area. Children not entering pets will take part in school as normal. Back to top

Every Thursday a newsletter is sent out to all parents via email. Spares are available from the local dairy and is available on the web site by mid afternoon each Thursday. Anyone can have input into the newsletter by contacting the office or sending a note along. The deadline for having things included in the newsletter is 9.00 am Wed. Back to top

Photocopying is available at 15c per copy or reduced to 10c per copy if over 100 copies are needed. The photocopier reduces and enlarges. Please enquire at the office for more information.
Laminating: Is available. It is normally done once a week on Thursdays. Costs are reasonable. Back to top

Parent help:
This is always welcome for many things within the school. Without parent help some things cannot be undertaken and the Teachers appreciate any help offered. If at any time you can help please feel free to contact the teachers or office. Assistance will be given in the direction needed, so don't feel you aren't qualified or capable. Grandparents are also welcome! Don't feel as if you are unable to do it - we are prepared to assist you.
This is especially so in sports activities as coaches and help is always needed for class visits to help with supervision and transport. On planned days if you would like to help, contact the organiser who can discuss where best your expertise can be used. Back to top

Dental Clinic:
Parents will be advised when the Mobile Dental clinic will be in the school. For urgent work outside these days please contact the Whakatane Intermediate Clinic 3071548, or 0800 TALKTEETH.

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Money at School:
Most requests for money come home to parents in writing.
The school will endeavour to help but cannot accept responsibility for money lost.
Any cheques should be made out to Awakeri School. Back to top

Civil Defence:
In the case of any civil emergency all children will follow emergency evacuation procedures as in the school policy. They will be cared for at school by Staff, until such time as legal Caregivers arrive to collect them. Back to top

Playcentre is situated next to school. It is a preschool play environment for children aged
0 - 6 years. Enquire at the school office for further details or phone 3048132.

Out of school clubs are as follows: Junior Soccer, Cubs, Brownies, Pippins - Edgecumbe or Whakatane, Guides, Garden Club, Young Farmers, Indoor bowls and Touch. School clubs are - Netball, Hockey and Cricket.
For further information contact the school office. Back to top

Junior School
The Junior School comprises Rooms 1 to 5. A co-ordinated teaching programme covers the first three years of schooling in these rooms.
Children move progressively through each stage at a rate according to their own ability.
No formal promotion takes place but children can sometimes be moved on to another room to accommodate children arriving in the New Entrant Room.
We endeavour to keep the numbers low, and therefore provide a better quality and a sound beginning to education.
The children who are moved into another room are not however being promoted, but will continue to work at their current level of attainment.
Parents and Caregivers are welcome to visit the Junior Dept. before and after school and should feel free to do so.
Parent help is welcomed, and if you would like to join us please get in touch with your child's teacher. Back to top

Educational Links

Online Maths Dictionary It's cool, it's fun too
Figure This Maths challenges for families
Mathletics A lot of our students are enrolled in this fun on-line Maths programme, where they can compete against others around the world in basic facts races, practise and learn new mthas skills, and play maths games. See the school office to enrol ($20 per year).
Writing Fun A great site for understanding types of writing
Ministry of Education
ERO (Education Review Office)
STA School Trustees Association (for BOTs)
NZEI Primary Teachers' union
Info about New Zealand facts disasters people
NZ Maths Homepage
Statistics New Zealand facts and figures from the census
Kiwi Kids News - a great resource for Current Events
Reading Eggs - Many of our students practise their skills using this great program too.
Be a Reading Superhero - Cool ideas from the National Library

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Nits or Headlice:

Headlice may be present amongst children in your child's class. These insects are a nuisance and can be controlled or eradicated by families.
Headlice crawl from head to head and may be passed on through shared objects such as hairbrushes and hats.
It is recommended that you check all members of your household carefully. Anyone can host headlice. Cleanliness is not a factor in whether headlice are present or not.

What to look for
Small light or dark brown insects without wings.
Tiny whitish eggs (nits) like grains of salt attached to hair shafts.
There may be unusual itching on the head or neck.
Small red marks on the neck or behind the ears (headlice bites).

What to do
Check all members of the household daily at the same time for at least three weeks.
Treat anyone who is hosting headlice. Effective treatment need not be chemical or expensive.
See the next page for the range of treatments that are available.
Please advise the school if you find headlice and confirm that treatment has begun.

Be prepared to continue treatment for about three weeks depending on the method chosen. Three weeks is the length of the headlouse breeding cycle; you need to break the cycle or infestation will continue.
After each treatment, comb the hair with a fine toothed comb.
Extra precautions may include washing all bedlinen, pillowcases and towels in hot water and tumble drying for 20 minutes on high. Other items that have come in contact with heads should also be thoroughly cleaned.
Soak hairbrushes and combs in hot water for at least ten minutes.
Vacuuming carpets and rugs may be helpful.
Repeat treatment 7 to 10 days after initial treatment.

Treating the hair is no guarantee that the problem has been eradicated. Success is more likely if treatment is thorough, checking is daily for at least three weeks and children are reminded to avoid head to head contact with others.

What not to do;

Do not use shampoo, conditioner or a hair drier on hair within 24 hours of using a chemical treatment. Each of these can make the treatment less effective or cause it to fail.

Do not use ordinary insecticides, pet shampoo or flammable petroleum products.

Do not use chemical products if the person applying the treatment or the person being treated is pregnant.

Dry combing
This method is for removal of headlice and eggs.
Use a metal fine-toothed comb. The National Pediculosis Association in the United States recommends combs that have individually tooled rounded teeth that are evenly spaced and set in a plastic handle.
Fingernails can effectively remove eggs.
Individual strands of hair can be cut to remove difficult eggs.
Some combs will extract adult headlice only and leave the eggs; the closer together the teeth of the comb are, the more successful combing will be.
Wet combing
This method, using any kind of hair conditioner, is for detection and removal of headlice and eggs. It is recommended that this treatment be repeated on alternate days for three weeks. The idea is to smother the headlice with conditioner, preventing them moving away, and to allow manual removal. Do not use conditioner within a day of using a chemical treatment; it will make the chemical treatment ineffective.
Apply enough conditioner (much more than usual) on dry hair to thoroughly cover the whole scalp and all the hair from the roots to the tips.
Keep the conditioner in the hair. Conditioner stuns the insects for about 20 minutes.
Comb the hair straight and get knots out with an ordinary comb.
Use a fine-toothed comb to systematically comb the hair. Comb the full length of each hair.
Wipe the comb with a clean tissue after each stroke of the comb.
After thorough combing and inspection, wash the conditioner out.
Electric combs
Electric battery operated combs are available to be used on dry hair. These are claimed to stun or kill the headlice so they let go of the hair and can be combed out. Clean the teeth after each stroke of the comb. Electric combs should be used on alternate days for two or three weeks to break the breeding cycle. People with epilepsy, heart disease or pacemakers should not use them.
Short hair is easier to comb, requires less time to treat and makes detection easier. It should not be necessary to shave heads. Hairdressers may refuse to cut infested hair.
The use of any chemical in or on the body carries risk. Some older treatments for headlice are no longer available because of the risk they posed. The chemicals used are insecticides and should be used with care and strictly as directed by the manufacturer. Chemicals are expensive.
There are three chemicals that are most commonly used:
Pyrethrins - derived from chrysanthemum flowers, these attack the insects' nervous system but break down in sunlight. These are usually combined with piperonyl butoxide for more effectiveness.
Pyrethroids - synthetic pyrethrins that are more stable in sunlight.
Maldeson - an organophosphate insecticide that attacks the insects' nervous system.
Apply the treatment strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Treat those members of the household who appear to be hosting headlice. Do not treat babies with chemicals.
Do not wash the hair or use conditioners for at least 24 hours after treating. Treatments are designed to coat the hair shaft and should be allowed to remain. Do not wash chemicals off.
Do not use hairdryers on treated hair. The heat may break down the active chemical.
Comb the hair carefully to remove as many dead or live headlice and eggs as possible.
Repeat the treatment after seven to ten days.
Check all members of the household daily for a period of three weeks.
Herbal remedies
Several herbal preparations are available, however the effectiveness of these is not clearly established. Most herbal remedies might be regarded as expensive conditioners that are no more effective than other conditioners. Some, such as tea tree oil, may be, volume for volume, more toxic to humans than chemical preparations. Olive oil, hair gel and mayonnaise may make combing easier.
What else can help?
Extra precautions may include washing all bedlinen and certainly pillowcases and towels in hot water (at least 60 degrees centigrade) and tumble drying for 20 minutes on high. Other items that have come in contact with heads should also be thoroughly cleaned. Soak hairbrushes and combs in hot water for at least ten minutes. Vacuuming carpets and rugs may also be helpful, if only to ensure that dead nits and lice are collected and not left to reappear on the heads or clothing of people in the household.

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