are we?
We are year 2 students and we are the oldest room in the junior syndicate that means that we have to be great role models for the younger kids, and will be great role models for the students younger than us. Most of us are six and turning seven this year. We are all in a great class room 5, and are looking forward to starting middle school next year. We are all trying hard to achieve in our work, as much as possible. We also have a nice amazing teacher called Mr Sheather. We all are looking forward for a great year with our friends and teacher and to see what adventures we come across.
(Scroll down to read students work!)
Tuesday 17th Decmber
Room 5 have been doing shark cross words. They are also been doing addition for maths. They are all looking forward to the holidays and are looking forward to finding out what class they will be in next year as year 3s. All of Room 5 have loved being in Room 5 with Mr Sheather this year and they hope they will be with their friends next year.
Tuesday 11th December
Room five have making art about sharks for habitat. They have been writing about the marae trip and poems about homework. In maths they have been counting money and adding and subtracting money. They have been making farm collages for art. They also practise their handwriting for the year. Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday 24th October
In writing Room 5 have been learning all about similes, and is trying to use similes in as much writing as possible. They have also been reading . The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) By Roald Dahl. At AG Day Room 5 have made some beautiful tins, and some sand saucers. Today Room 5 is making Reading Posters. Room 5/Junior trains for Athletics daily. They also train for sprints which they are all excited about.
Friday 26th July
Welcome back to term 3. Room 5 have been doing soccer and this term they are going to start doing netball and hockey, they have also been bringing in broken stuff and are fixing them. They have been writing about their holidays and letters to our new principal Craig McDonald. They are going to start doing card board cars with their buddy class room 13. They have also been doing backgrounds for art they also have been learning the song the Three Legged Mice and they are going to be doing dot art.
Thursday 4th July
Room 5 have been doing lots of prime work. They have also been learning about water rockets and testing them out. When they did their rockets for the first time they did not go very high, so the next time they did it they put some new water in the rockets. It went so high it almost went over the trees. They have also been learning about technology.
Tuesday 14th May
Room 5 has been doing learning about clocks for maths with Mr Sheather. They went to the beach to learn about kiwis. They went over the hill to Otarawairere. They learnt about different types of leafs such as the Bush Mens Toilet paper. They saw lots of kiwi burrows and they even saw real life kiwis and egg shells.
Wednesday 10th April
Room 5 are training and looking forward to cross country next term. We have also been studying octopuses for the last 2 weeks and have learnt a lot about them. We also can learn stuff at home on our computers such as, study ladder, mathletics and reading eggs. We also do handwriting so that we write as neatly as possible. We are looking forward to the Easter holidays so that we can refresh our minds and come back and start a new term all nice and fresh.
Friday 22nd of march
Here are some photos of our trip to Otarawairere yesterday.
We bought our parents and family along to show them our beautiful beach trip to otarawairere..
Room five have some highlights they would like to share to you.
They enjoyed building the sand castles.
They also enjoyed seeing the octopus behind the rocks. We also loved seeing the beautiful scenery as we walked over the hill to the beach some people call the secret beach! We love spending time with our amazing teacher Mr Sheather. Room 5 are also looking forward to Top School on Sunday the 24th of March 2019. Room 5 have been watching the team train hard every lunch time and they said they have been improving every time.
Amaia and Kaylee are making a decoration that will blow in the wind. |
Room 5 are looking at the creations they made out of sand. |
Room 5 are looking at more creations such as this marvelous fish they have created. |
Josh and Leo are looking at the creatures in the rock pools. |
Here room 5 are seeing how well Amaia and Kaylee's AMAZING wind blowing creation works. |
Mylee, Mieka, Siobhan and Delphi made this creation. |
March 13th 2019
Room 5 has been doing prime maths as groups with Mr Sheather. They also did some cool looking art with Mrs Elliot. A parent has came in and has shown us how to pull out body parts from a fish so it is ready to eat. We also love bringing readers home and reading them to our parents and showing them how much we learn at Awakeri School. We are also looking at what floats and what will sink, comparing paper and plastic!!!

February 22nd 2019
In room 5 we have been learning how to simplify fractions and we made the Treaty of Waitangi posters. Room 5 has had homework and has to get 1000 points on mathletics. In room five we have put up a list of jobs we do during tidy up time. In room 5 we have also been working on self portraits.
My favorite thing in the holidays was that my brother and I went to Auckland to go see our dad. When we got to my dad's it was so late. Before we went to bed we got to go on the ipads. I played a game called cooking fever. My brother played cooking fever too. After the ipads we went to bed. In the morning it was Sunday.
By Isabella Mitton
Today we launched a water rocket. We tried to get it to go over the tree and so we did. The pump is the thing that pumps up your bike. The bottle suddenly went turbo high.
by Jackson Cowdery
Last week Leah came and showed us a kiwi skeleton. It looked so cool that I wanted to touch it. Leah also had a kiwi in a box. She had a predator too. It was in a box too. She had two eggs as well. They were so delicate I could not drop it. There was a black egg and a white egg. We got to go and have a look in the van.
by Isabella Mitton
The Hump Back Whale got stranded. It got stuck on land.
By Oliver McBeth
Yesterday I played my Xbox One my brother played with me. It was Waitangi Day which is a holiday to remember the signing of the treaty.
By Oliver Shallard.
This week I like learning with friends. I learn about the treaty.
By Leo Baker
In October me and my brother, my mum and my dad are going to Fiji. Mum said I can get my hair braided. We might get to go to the hydro slide.
By Mylee Mathews
I went to my Nanna's house. It was Waitangi day which is a holiday. It is to remember the signing of the treaty.
By Amaia Merrimen
This week I'm going to Ben's party. We might bring some party food. I'm sure its going to be fun.
On Saturday I went to Ben's party. We had a big swim. they a water slide. We had a water fight and I did not get shot.
By Jackson Cowdery
On Sunday I got a bracelet. It is rainbow with hearts.
By Delphi
On the weekend I went to Taupo with my Dad. We went to the pool with my Dad.
By Isabella Mitton
Last night my went to Bayley's Dad's farm. He milked the cows.
By Anthony
On Wednesday I'm going back to gymnastics. I almost did a cartwheel on the beam. I like my teacher.
By Kaylee Howson
February 12th 2019
Room 5 is a wonderful class full of enthusiastic children
We have 19 children... 7 girls and 12 boys.
Our topic so far has been about ourselves and the history of New Zealand.
We are looking forward to going on our trip in a few weeks...
Otarawairere mmmm