Here we are before we left for camp. |
Callum and Rhiane are building a bridge across the river. |
Cam Peat's group is building a strong bridge too. |
Standing on their bridge are Rhianna, Rubi, Jaskamal, Ryan A and Cullen. |
Room 8 is reading a sign about about wildlife in the bush. It talks about kokakos, kiwis, possums killing the bush. |
The Lions Hut, covered in wet towels! |
We are going into the bush to find a place to build a bivouac. Each group had to build one. |
Ryan S and Zoie J are working on their bivouac. |
Charli R and Chloe are in their bivouac. Will it leak in the rain? |
This bivouac is big. They tied all the ferns onto a vine.They have a silver blanket with them, which would be very useful if they got lost in the bush. They could even use it to shine at a chopper. |
On the scavenger hunt every group had to hug a big tree and take a photo. You were meant to hold hands. |
On the scavenger hunt we had to find something strange. One group found these orange mushrooms. |
We also had to find a live insect and a dead one. |
Zoie J and Rhiane are being careful with their photography. This is their flower photo. |
When we had finished we had to lay everything out and take a photo of it. |
Mrs Howard is saying be careful of the rocks and don't put your bum too far down the hole and don't scratch your feet on the rocks! |
Josh, Brian and Andy are about to send these kids off down the adventure rapids. |
Kalani is carrying his tube back to the start. |
First we got pushed off, then someone splashed us, then someone else spun us around, then we went down the rapids! |
Hannah is jumping off the rock. Remember to jump out as far as you can or you'll hit the rocks! |
Asha is blowing on the marshmellow (spot the chubby cheeks!). Cullen is thinking "I want some of that!" |
There were three fires for everyone to cook on. We all sang songs that every knew afterwards. This group sang Like A Bright Star. |