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Here we are sitting on the beach. We're talking about the
Ohiwa spit and how we can look after the beach. Miss Taggart has her towel ready
for going for a swim. We went for four swims, three at the beach and one at the
mud flats. |
We're jumping on the bouncy pillow in our free time. Aaron and
Bleyne could do forwards flips and Bleyne even did a backwards flip
it was really cool! |
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We're drawing pictures of the view. We tried to fit Whale
Island, White Island, the Ohiwa Spit and the Ohope Spit in our pictures. |
Auntie Robyn is helping with the drawings. We found it lots of
fun. |
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Miss Taggart is telling us about looking after the sand dunes.
What we can do to keep it safe an the animals. |
Auntie Robyn is helping Jessie, Millie and Katy get their skit
ready for showing the adults on the last night. We were meant to look for the
glow-worms, but it rained. |
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Gus and Tiaan have found some sand creatures - like crabs.
found a dead fish on the beach and we also found three stinky stingrays. They
were dragged up there by high tide. |
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and Kayleigh are taking photos of Tiaan, who is mud skating on the mud flats in
their skit. The parents did a skit too. They had trouble brushing their teeth
properly! | Shelby is eating a cockle. She's about to spit it out! Only
about five kids enjoyed eating them. They got to eat lots! |