It's August. Jemma Shaw (the one with her mouth open!) and Zoe
Johnston enjoy the snow on Mt Ruapehu. |
Crashes do happen! Christine Tipper has upended Jaimee Clarke
and friend. |
Aimee Jones even crashed into her Mum! |
Emma Bennett and Rachael Griffen think snow is cool! |
Fiona Coulter finds it easier to not actually try
to stand up! |
The snow was great! We made three snowmen, we even put sunglasses
on them. We threw snowballs. Someone said it was Kara that hit Mrs
Cronin! And we tobogganed! |
Back at camp, Caleb tries out the mountain bike course. |
Clive gets across the low ropes. |
Leah, Jordan and Sam cooperate well in the "Initiative"
problem solving activity. |
What did you think of it all Robert? |
They made it happen! Mrs Petersen, Mrs Cronin, Mr Sheather, Mrs
Parker and Miss Taggart. Thanks heaps.We all enjoyed the camp and
we hope you did too! |