Doing diaries on the last day. |
Spiderman spiderman. Lara is coming down from the pole on the high ropes. |
Group five being cheeky. This was our group photo at camp. |
Corban is lining up his shot. |
The skis were all about team work. This is group 5. |
Hey theres another spiderman. Isaac this time! |
Thinking for the spider web how do I get through? Graceyn is organising group 6. |
Everyone is lining up at high ropes. Kieran and Vinnie are belayers. Good luck to everyone else! |
The playground was always a hit at free time. |
Jake always a joker. Group 1 doing their skit. |
Frisbee golf with friends. Jack and Joel. |
Relaying the harness on the flying fox. Our code names were always funny. e.g. the Fantastic Mr Fox, James Bond, Wrecking Ball.... |
Adults always do a good job when it comes to activities. Steven is helping Beth to uncouple her caribiner. |
Frisbee golf was always a competitve activity. Stephanie v Danielle. Who will win?? |