At school, the year 7s started off their first day of leadership training with some team building. First up was mass soccer. There were various strategies. Cullen decides to boot the green team's ball far away, much to Charlie's amusement. |
Meanwhile, Mr Hawkes, at his last intensive, decides to annoy Sophie by dribbling away with the purple team's ball. Brad, of the green team, watches to see if he will join in! |
Next up was a team building challenge to get across the river without falling in. Leon gives Kyan advice on the next love |
The third round meant they only had three milk crates to use. It was very tricky! |
Then the year 7s and 6s learned about and practised reading to juniors. Tejay has his students totally focussed on the book. |
Hollie is doing a great job of this too. |
The next activity was organising a game for their juniors to play. Zoe gives one of her players a helping hand at T Ball. |
Meanwhile.... the year 8s were all off to Whakatane. They played sports at Rex Morpeth Park and in the stadium. Ollie looks tired already! |
Then the year 8s went to the Aquatic Centre. Leah, Kendall and Summer enter the pool in dramatic fashion! |
Back at school, Holly is helping one of her students through the obstacle course. |
One of the favourite year 8 activities was playing shark and seal under the big parachute. Mrs Harvey helps someone out. |
On the second day, some year eights went to the skatepark, then Tauwhare Pa site, before joinging the year 7s at Thornton. Here are some cardboard box skaters! |
Kendall watches Kenna, Ollie and Henali sliding. |
Shaun and Kennedy actually have skateboards! |
Summer is playing cheat on the playground next door... |
Cody, Kenna, Bailey, Phoebe and co shoot baskets. |
Kendall gets stuck trying not to be caught. |
Dylan is safe sitting on a pole. |
At the pa site, the girls do a haka before attacking. |
Now they are doing a haka before they defend. Do the boys wait politely for them to finish their haka? |
No! The boys attack in all directions! |
Odin changes direction, hoping to catch them out. |
Meanwhile, at Thornton, the year sevens are doing team building activities. This team works well together on their task. Nathan RA supervises, while Sophie G gets the next plank ready, Ryan S, Charlie M, Zoie J and Kobi W are going well. |
Kobi reaches out to adjust the tyre. The next group along are having fun: Tyler K, Jessie J and Rubi K work together. |
Now Tyler's group are huddled on their bridge. |