How to draw a Horses Head

If you want to learn to draw horse heads then this is the page for you!


What you will need  
Coloured Pencils/Felts
Tips And Accessories

When you draw your circles draw them lightly so when you rub things out you wont see the lines.

To add affect you can trace the lines of your drawing with black pen.

If you want more affect you make and some bright and bold colours.


Step 1

Draw 1 medium circle and one small circle (not much smaller than the first) roughly 1cm apart with your pencil .

Step 2

Then connect the circles with two lines like this

Step 3

Add a neck to your two circles and you will start to see the shape of your horses head

Step 4

After you have got the shape you want rub out the inside of the smaller circle and the rest of the big circle that nothing is connected to. Like this.

Step 5

On the top of your bigger circle draw two little triangles to make the ears.

Step 6

Draw on your horses eye, nostrils and mouth

Step 7

Style your mane and fringe/forelock to your design. Here are some examples.

Step 8 (Optional)

If you want to turn your horse into a Unicorn just simply draw a horn on it's head!


This page was made by.....
Zoe Amelie
We hope this was helpful to you. GOODLUCK!!