Awakeri School Benchmarks (updated 2017)
Level Self Management English Health / PE Te Reo Maori Mathematics Science / Technology Social Sciences The Arts
Up to Six Months 1. I make an effort to complete all my tasks.
2. work quietly and with purpose
3. I accept responsibility for my actions
4. I think and work independently
5. I look after my property.
6. I show consideration for other children.
7. I work and play well with others.
8. I am polite and friendly.
9. I am helpful
10. I respect other people's property

1. Can demonstrate 1:1 correspondence
2. Can follow directions.
3. Can listen to my teacher and others.
4. Can answer questions and speak in front of a group.
5. Can let others have their say without interrupting.
6. Can name the letters of the alphabet.
7. Can listen well to stories.

1. Participate willingly in physical activities. 1. Will attempt pronunciation of Maori words. 1. Can rote count to 20
2. Can use equipment to add and subtract up to 5.
3. Can write numbers up to 10
4. Can read numbers up to 10.
5. Can identify basic geometric shapes.
1. Can use the computer to write their name. 1. Shows an interest in the environment by asking questions. 1. Enjoys art activities
After One Year 1. Shows care and respect for others.
2. Looks after belongings.
3. Deals with conflict appropriately.
4. Willing to try new things.
5. Works and plays well with others.
6. Works independently.
7. Shows initiative.
8. Completes tasks on time.
9. Sets goals with support.
1. Writes several simple sentences.
2. Writes for a variety of purposes.
3. Uses capital letters and full stops appropriately.
4. Displays social courtesies specific to group discussion.
5. Can correctly form most letters.
6. Can spell Essential list 1 and 2
7. Understand and share about stories they have read
8. Recognise and use many commonly-used words
9. Read smoothly
10. Enjoy reading and solving problems as they read.
11. Link their story to their everyday experiences
12. Use many words they know from their reading
1. Shows understanding of the need to wash hands.
2. Can bounce and catch a ball.
3. Able to take turns in games.
4. Can submerge and blow bubbles.
1. Willing to attempt correct pronunciation of Te Reo.
2. Can reply to a simple greeting in Te Reo.
3. Can sing a simple descriptive waiata as part of a group.
1. Can name the days of the week.
2. Can continue a shape or number pattern.
3. Can use clocks to tell time to the hour.
4. Can compare objects by length, area, volume and weight.
5. Solve mathematics problems up to 10, then up to 20
6. Can count forwards and backwards with numbers up to 20,
7. Know the number before and after any given number up to 20.
8. Organise and share objects
9. Talk about where they are, how they got there and where they are going using correct language.
1. Able to make observations in Science.
2. Shows curiosity by asking questions.
3. Can group according to a common characteristic.
4. Can use computers for a variety of purposes.
5. Describes how simple items work.

1. Able to present ideas orally relating to their immediate environment.
2. Can name places in the local community.
1. Names and uses primary colours.
2. Participates willingly in art activities.
3. Imitates simple rhythmic and melodic patterns.
4. Responds to music through movement.
5. Can contribute ideas in drama.
After Two Years 1. Shows care and respect for others.
2. Looks after belongings.
3. Deals with conflict appropriately.
4. Willing to try new things.
5. Works and plays well with others.
6. Works independently.
7. Shows initiative.
8. Completes tasks on time.
9. Sets goals with support.
1. Can tell main ideas of a story or play.
2. Can make connections between text and their prior knowledge.
3. Makes some attempts at a variety of adjectives, nouns, and verbs
4. Sequence ideas to convey a meaningful message in writing.
5. Responds appropriately in listening situations by asking and answering questions.
6. Can spell Essential lists 1 , 2 and 3
7. Use what they know about letters and other words to work out new words
8. Notice when they make important mistakes and know how to fix them.
9. Can read labels, speech bubbles, charts and tables to help them understand text.
10. Write for a variety of purposes
11. Use simple punctuation in writing.

1. Shows understanding of the need for oral hygiene.
2. Can bounce and catch a ball with a partner.
3. Adheres to simple rules in team activities.
4. Has a positive attitude to PE
5. Able to float and kick without aids.
1. Attempts correct pronunciation of Te Reo
2. Can introduce themselves in Te Reo.
3. Can recognise three colours in Te Reo in reply to questions.
1. Can order numbers from 0 to 100.
2. Is able to discuss the results of a simple graph.
3. Recognise and describe 2 D shapes using mathematical language.
4. Make and continue repeating number patterns.
5. Solves division problems by equal sharing.
6. Creates and describes patterns using reflection and translation.
7. Solve problems using numbers up to 100
8. Count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards
9. Find ½ and ¼ of simple shapes and sets of objects
10. Sort objects into common groups and describe what they have done.
11. Give and follow directions using mathematical language
12. Measure objects using their hands, feet or a pencil
1. Able to discuss observations in Science.
2. Shows curiosity by asking questions.
3. Can group according to common characteristics.
4. Can use computers to present work in various styles.
5. Describes how simple items work.

1. Able to present ideas orally relating to their immediate environment.
2. Can name and locate places in the local community.
1. Experiments with colour through mixing.
2. Explores ways of representing what they observe, remember and imagine.
3. Imitates simple rhythmic and melodic patterns.
4. Responds to music through movement.
5. Can contribute ideas in drama using personal experience and imagination.

Look at Benchmarks for
Yr 3 - 5
Yr 6 - 8

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