Here are some Kids Lit Quiz Practise questions that I got off the Internet and out of my head.The first ten are from the internet, the second ten from my brain.. Try your luck! You can email your answers to Good luck - Katy.


  1. What colour is Superman's cape?
  2. Who took a magical train to a boarding school?
  3. Name the book in which we first read about a bookworm called Meggie who lived with her book-binder father.
  4. What novel was set in a desert penal institution for young offenders?
  5. What was the name of Odysseus's wife?
  6. Who was Lyra's friend who disappeared in the first book of His Dark Materials trilogy?
  7. What type of animal was Seabiscuit?
  8. What was the name of Lola's brother in the series of books by Lauren Child?
  9. Because she was a black girl Grace wasn't allowed to play what role in the upcoming school play? This was a book by Mary Hoffman.
  10. If the setting was Mordor, what book would one be reading?
  11. Who wrote the book Cookie?
  12. If the books were known by the author as a legendarium and they featured a small race of people with large, hairy feet, what would the book be?
  13. Who is the main character in A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens?
  14. Where did the Maori people originally come from?
  15. What is the title of the book by Lia Hills with a main character called Will?
  16. What is the series about a group of spies in the second World War, written by Robert Muchamore?
  17. How many bears are there in the traditional fairy tale?
  18. Name three characters in the Asterix Comics.
  19. Who wrote the poem The Raven?
  20. Who's autobiography was titled My Secret Diary?